[Miwok]Custom class android
Make custom class to pass in to the ArrayAdapter constructor as a parameter.
-Access modifier: public vs private
public - we can access from anywhere.
public class MainActivity {
private - we can only access when we are in that class.
public class TextView {
private setText(){
We need to set variables private and make get and set functions to control those variables.
Set variable private in order to protect from unexpected value and behavior.
Below is the Miwok custom word class.
package com.example.android.miwok;
// It contains a Miwok translation and a default translation for that word.
public class Word {
// Default translation for the word.
private String mDefaultTranslation;
// 'm' is short for 'private member of class'
// Miwok translation for the word.
private String mMiwokTranslation;
// Word class constructor.
public Word(String defaultTranslation, String miwokTranslation) {
mDefaultTranslation = defaultTranslation;
mMiwokTranslation = miwokTranslation;
// A method that gets default translation of the word
public String getDefaultTranslation() {
return mDefaultTranslation;
// A method that gets miwok translation of the word
public String getMiwokTranslation() {
return mMiwokTranslation;
//source - udacity